Homeowners' and Condominium Associations (HOAs)

Homeowners' and Condominium Associations (HOAs)

Mediation saves time and legal costs while preserving community relationships. With an experienced HOA attorney as mediator, both sides can express

Homeowners' and Condominium Associations (HOAs)

Resolving Homeowners’ Association Disputes Through Mediation

Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) maintain amenities in residential communities. But disputes over HOA rules, fees, and lien claims often arise between homeowners and HOAs. Litigation can be expensive and divisive. As an alternative, I offer mediation services for HOA disputes.

With mediation, HOAs and homeowners communicate directly to reach mutually beneficial solutions, such as:

  • unpaid dues - negotiating payment plans
  • fee increases - justifying and compromising on new rates
  • rule violations - addressing violations while updating unfair rules
  • maintenance issues - settling who bears responsibility
  • lien claims - resolving lien disputes out of court
  • interpersonal conflicts - repairing relationships between neighbors

Mediation saves time and legal costs while preserving community relationships. With an experienced HOA attorney as mediator, both sides can express perspectives and find common ground. Contact me to schedule mediation for your HOA dispute today.

Hear what local lawyers are saying

“She has worked with me for 10 years.

Jessica’s first job out of law school was with my law firm. She has worked with me for 10 years. Those years have been extremely rewarding to me, all her co-workers, and I am sure, the hundreds of clients she has assisted. She has become an exemplary attorney and friend. Countless clients have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have enjoyed working with her. We are sad to see her leave but wish her well. Her knowledge and professionalism will serve her well in her new endeavors as a mediator.

Keith A. Ringelspaugh, Esq.
Owner, Keith A. Ringelspaugh, P.A.