

Having represented numerous clients in foreclosure actions (and post-foreclosure sale matters), I understand the foreclosure process and issues that


Facing Foreclosure? Explore Alternatives and Protect Your Rights

A foreclosure can happen when mortgage payments are missed, resulting in the legal seizure and sale of a property to repay the unpaid debt. This stressful and complex process can leave you feeling powerless. But there are options to avoid foreclosure, minimize damage to your finances, and safeguard your rights.

With over a decade of real estate law experience, I have the knowledge to help homeowners navigate foreclosure. I assist with:

  • Foreclosure Alternatives - I can negotiate with your lender on options like loan modifications, repayment plans, forbearance, and short sales. My goal is finding a workable solution that saves your home.
  • Defense Against Wrongful Foreclosure - If the lender didn't follow proper procedures or violated your rights, I'll build a strong case on your behalf.
  • HOA and Tax Foreclosures - Foreclosures can also result from delinquent HOA dues or unpaid property taxes. I defend property owners against unwarranted foreclosures.
  • Post-Foreclosure Rights - Even after a foreclosure sale, there may be options and defenses worth pursuing. I protect your post-foreclosure rights.

Going through foreclosure is daunting, but proper legal guidance can help you navigate the process while defending your interests. Contact me today to schedule a consultation.

Hear what local lawyers are saying

“She has worked with me for 10 years.

Jessica’s first job out of law school was with my law firm. She has worked with me for 10 years. Those years have been extremely rewarding to me, all her co-workers, and I am sure, the hundreds of clients she has assisted. She has become an exemplary attorney and friend. Countless clients have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have enjoyed working with her. We are sad to see her leave but wish her well. Her knowledge and professionalism will serve her well in her new endeavors as a mediator.

Keith A. Ringelspaugh, Esq.
Owner, Keith A. Ringelspaugh, P.A.