Equitable Interests

Equitable Interests

With cooperative mediation, we can settle lien priority disputes, avoid costly litigation, and get properties sold. This allows all parties to colle

Equitable Interests

Resolving Lien Priority Conflicts Through Mediation

When multiple liens exist on a property, lien priority determines the order they get paid off when the property is sold. Disputes over lien priority often end up in drawn-out court battles. But there is a better way - mediation.

As an experienced real estate attorney, I act as mediator for lien priority conflicts. My goal is facilitating compromise between all stakeholders with claims against the property.

Mediation can help resolve disputes involving:

  • Mortgages, equity loans, and tax liens
  • Mechanic's liens from contractors and subcontractors
  • HOA assessment liens
  • Judgment liens from creditors
  • Easements and boundary lines

With cooperative mediation, we can settle lien priority disputes, avoid costly litigation, and get properties sold. This allows all parties to collect faster. Let me help you negotiate agreement and move forward.

Contact me to learn how mediation can provide an easier resolution to your lien priority dispute. I bring parties together to find common ground.

Hear what local lawyers are saying

“She has worked with me for 10 years.

Jessica’s first job out of law school was with my law firm. She has worked with me for 10 years. Those years have been extremely rewarding to me, all her co-workers, and I am sure, the hundreds of clients she has assisted. She has become an exemplary attorney and friend. Countless clients have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have enjoyed working with her. We are sad to see her leave but wish her well. Her knowledge and professionalism will serve her well in her new endeavors as a mediator.

Keith A. Ringelspaugh, Esq.
Owner, Keith A. Ringelspaugh, P.A.