Breach of Contract

Breach of Contract

With over 15 years of landlord-tenant law experience, I act as mediator for rental property conflicts.

Breach of Contract

Mediating Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Rental disputes between landlords and tenants can quickly become costly headaches. But litigation isn't the only option - mediation can help both parties find agreeable solutions.

With over 15 years of landlord-tenant law experience, I act as mediator for rental property conflicts. My goal is facilitating compromise through open communication.

  • Security Deposit Disputes - Return of security deposits often create conflict, but mediation allows reasonable resolutions.
  • Rent Nonpayment - We can mediated repayment plans, move-out agreements, and other solutions for overdue rent.
  • Lease Violations - Damage, pets, occupancy limits - mediation allows discussion of lease breaches.
  • Maintenance & Repairs - Debates over upkeep duties can be settled with mediated agreements.
  • Early Lease Termination - Negotiating proper notice period, fees, and conditions allows clean exits.

Mediation creates win-win solutions, reduces costs, and preserves landlord-tenant relationships. Contact me to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about the process. My years of experience in rental disputes make me an effective mediator.

Hear what local lawyers are saying

“She has worked with me for 10 years.

Jessica’s first job out of law school was with my law firm. She has worked with me for 10 years. Those years have been extremely rewarding to me, all her co-workers, and I am sure, the hundreds of clients she has assisted. She has become an exemplary attorney and friend. Countless clients have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have enjoyed working with her. We are sad to see her leave but wish her well. Her knowledge and professionalism will serve her well in her new endeavors as a mediator.

Keith A. Ringelspaugh, Esq.
Owner, Keith A. Ringelspaugh, P.A.